Hey there, fellow artist!

Are you feeling stuck in your creative journey, unsure of how to move forward? 

Feeling lost in your creative process?

Not sure how to take your art to the next level?

Do you have burning questions about your art that need answers? 

Wondering how to turn your passion into profit? Or maybe you're unsure if starting an art business is the right move for you.

Well, fear not! I'm Daria, and I'm here to help you find clarity and confidence.

With my personalized consultation, you'll gain clarity, direction, and actionable insights to propel your artistic journey forward.

Together, we'll unlock hidden potential and discover innovative techniques to elevate your craft.

Why choose me?

With 7 years of artistic experience, including 3 years dedicated to perfecting concrete candle making, I offer personalized guidance across various artistic mediums and techniques.

With over 30,000 followers on social media, I've cultivated a warm artist community, fostering creativity and collaboration among fellow artists.

  • I've taught over 1500 students worldwide and built a successful art school from the ground up.
  • My journey from hobbyist to business owner proves that with dedication and passion, anything is possible.
  • I'm here to listen to your artistic goals and concerns, providing tailored advice to help you realize your creative vision, whether you're a novice or seasoned artist.
  • My consultations are focused on delivering tangible progress through practical advice and actionable strategies.
  • As your mentor, I'll provide tailored guidance and support based on your unique needs and goals. Together, we'll craft a roadmap to success.


Topics We Can Discuss:

Candle Making:

  • New concrete candle making techniques.
  • Exploring new materials for candle making.
  • Innovative candle designs.
  • How to start your candle making journey.
  • Determining if candle making is right for you.


  • Building a profitable art business.
  • Strategies for monetizing your passion and creating a sustainable income.
  • Setting up an online store.
  • Starting retail and wholesale of your candles.
  • Understanding the difference between your own website and Etsy.


  • Instagram growth strategies.
  • Creating viral reels to showcase your candle creations.
  • Increasing your social media followers.
  • Marketing tips for selling your candles.
  • Expert advice on promoting your art and maximizing your exposure.
  • Latest social media trends.

How It Works:

  1. Purchase: Secure your consultation with me, either standalone or as an add-on to any course.
  2. Receive: After purchase, receive an email with a variety of topics to choose from for your consultation. Let's make sure our chat is tailored just for you!
  3. Book: Use Calendly to schedule your 60-minute Zoom consultation at a time that suits you.
  4. Meet: Connect with me during my working hours (FRI-Mon, 8am-8pm EST) for an inspiring one-on-one session.

Book your personalized consultation with me today!

Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers.

Let's make your artistic dreams a reality!

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.